Saturday, April 21, 2012

Construction Platforms

Construction Platform
Photo from
When we talk about constructions, we cannot get away with the fact that platforms are particularly important especially when trying to access elevated areas to work on (e.g. second floor, top floor, etc). Depending on the use and availability, there are many platforms we can use like boom and scissor lifts, truck and van mounted platforms. 

 These platforms should at all times be situated appropriately to its area where it will be used. It should be strongly set on the ground and must not be positioned in areas where passing people or moving cars pass to avoid accidents. Weather isn’t something that we usually worry about in construction platforms because they are well-built. They are structured in a way that even if a strong wind blows its way to where it is positioned, you can be sure that it will still be in good condition the following they where you left it. The only problem is the construction operations during this bad weather. Make sure that you are not ON the platform when that happens to avoid injuries and accidents. Remember that it’s better to leave the work (and go back as soon as the site is safe for work) than putting your own or others’ lives at risk.

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